Monday, November 16, 2009

I really don't know why its so hard for me to keep up with this thing. I pretty much talk to anyone that might read this on a regular basis so I kindof feel like its useless..

Anyway, I've become obsessed with couponing lately.. its basically like free money.. and man do I like saving money, so why not? I've already gotten some good deals too! I got a brand new (this year's style also) Old Navy coat for 80% off (as well as one for Corey), a Bananna Republic wrap dress for like 60% off, and a half-price printer/copier/fax machine. :) I will never pay full price again!!

I'm way more excited than I should be for New Moon.. I know I'm just setting myself up to be disappointed but oh well.. at least we know for sure that Jake will be hot!

I'm excited for the holidays.. (yay time off!)) And I look forward to getting some really good deals on gifts for people :)

Well thats probably about all I'll write for another 6 months or so.. ;)

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Thats right, I'm back.


A college student needed a small two-hour course to fill out his schedule. The only one available was Wildlife Zoology. After one week the professor gave the class a test. He passed out a sheet of paper divided into squares.In each square was a carefully drawn picture of some bird legs. No bodies, no feet, just legs. The test asked each student to identify the birds from their legs. The student sat and stared at the test and got more and more angry. Finally he stomped up to the front of the classroom and threw the test on the teacher's desk. "This is the worst test I have ever taken."
The teacher looked up and said, "Young man, you have flunked this test. What is your name?"
The student pulled up his pant-legs and showed the professor his legs and replied, "You tell me!"

You know, I don't know if there is any point in even trying to catch up on everything.. maybe here's some main points:

1. I'M ENGAGED :) :)

Okay now thats all I can think about.

I'm not having much luck with the wedding planning yet though.. I love planning parties but I'm not really looking forward to planning the biggest party of my life. Strange eh? I think its just SO MUCH planning and sooo much money.. I don't like spending my own money, so I feel even worse spending someone else's.

Speaking of parties.. I'm planning a party for Corey's birthday. We're going camping- I AM looking forward to planning that one :).

I'm pretty much moved out of my house and into the apartment with Corey. I don't really have my stuff there, but I stay pretty much all week because it is just so much closer to work and so fewer tolls. I hate throwing money away on rent though.. I've started daydreaming about buying a house already. THAT is exciting. I know we won't have the furniture to fill a house.. but hopefully we'll accumulate it before too long.

Now I'm just rambling.


Friday, September 26, 2008

Ick.. Ike

There were two little crabs who met in Florida every year. One year when they arrived, one little crab was shivering terribly. The other crab asked why and he said, "I got a ride here on a man's moustache. He drove so fast, I was freezing."
"Well," the other crab said, "why don't you hide up a lady's skirt next year. Then you won't be as cold."
The little crab said, "Hey, that isn't a bad idea."
A year later, the two crabs met at the same place, and the one little crab was shivering very badly again. The other crab asked if he had taken his advice and he said, "Yeah, I went and hid up a lady's skirt, but when I woke up in the morning I was on that's guy's moustache again!"

hehehe.. dirrrrrrty....

Anyway.. GET EXCITED.. Lauren's makin' a blog entry.

Well, my birthday came and went.. had to be in the middle of the dang hurricane. We still have a MASSIVE.. and I mean MASSIVE tree down in our back yard but I thank God every day that nothing worse happened because we got very lucky.

Let me explian:

The tree hung over my parents bedroom on the north corner of our house, the trunk was probably about 10 feet away but it had huge branches that were right over the house. The powerline that supplies us with power runs to that corner. Our propane gas tank is about 5 feet away on the other side of the tree. Somehow even though every other tree that fell in our yard fell directly SOUTH (if this tree were to fall south it would have landed on the house and destroyed my parents bedroom, bathroom, and possibly my bedroom as well.) this tree fell SOUTH EAST.. almost completely missing the house. And somehow the roots had magically grown in about a ten foot radius of the tree everywhere EXCEPT where the propane tank was, it was completely untouched. If those roots would have been under that tank.. who knows what would have happened.. probably a really huge explosion. As far as the powerlines go, it did land on the line, and mess up the weatherhead, but somehow we still ended up getting partial power back the Monday after the storm, and full power back within the next few days.. with a little help... Just try and tell me that someone wasn't watching out for us during the storm. Oh, and during those days that we didn't have power, God blessed us with a cool front so it wasn't REDICULOSLY hot and humid.. if that doesn't make you a believer...

So thats my little hurricane Ike story. It left so much damage and devistation in this area, and I know I haven't even seen the half of it. Two weeks out I think there are still somewhere around a million people without power, and in Bridge City where my boyfriend Corey has family, there are four thousand houses and only fourteen of them don't have flood damage. And thats just one small city.

Hell, BUZZFEST was cancelled because of hurricane damage, and the venue for it was in the Woodlands.. I bet they never anticipated hurricane damage up there.

Everything is slowly returning to normal in our part of town. The back half of our neighborhood is still without power, and I guess because of all the water it brought and the weather lately the mosqiuitos are insane. But thats about it, Corey's sick so I'm about to leave to take care of him. I may have tickets to the last Astros game Sunday YEEEEAAAHH.. I'm super excited about that. And we're going to Metallica towards the end of November :) OH and Corey got me a new digital camera for my birthday!!! I love it... and as soon as I find out how to put stuff on the coputer I'll post some pictures. I can't promise anything though.

Well you have to be getting bored by now..


Thursday, August 7, 2008

A ham sandwich walks into a bar.
The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve food here."


So I just put liiiiike a million picutres on facebook.. From Erin's wedding, florida, graduation, picking berries (yeah nerdy.. i know) and other random things.. GO LOOK AT THEM :)


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Mucho mucho!

The Secretary of Defense is briefing President Bush on Iraq. "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed."

"Oh no!" exclaims the president, "That's terrible!"
His staff is stunned at this unprecedented display of emotion, watching as Bush sits, head in hands.

Finally, he looks up and asks, "How many is a brazillion?"


Well... man so much has happened since the last blog.. I knew I wouldn't keep up with this thing.. but lets see what I can summarize.

I got a job!!!!! Yay :)

As most of you probably know.. I am currently working at Medical Billing Services, Inc. as a.. client rep? I don't quite know for sure.. I think it may change soon..? But its a lot of work.. I do know that! I feel like its taking me longer than it should to catch on to some of this stuff, but I do a little bit more each day so hopefully before too long I'll be more comfortable with it. Being so new a lot of times you feel like more of a burden than a help, so I just try and do what I can.. and stay out of the way when things get crazy! ;)

Florida trip!!!!

As many of you also probably know.. I went to Florida with Corey a few weeks ago.. Oh my goodness was it amazing! We stopped in Biloxi, Mississippi on the way, which was actually more sad than anything because number one; we lost everything we gambled, and number two.. it is still really torn apart from Katrina. Everybody knows how much New Orleans was affected.. but I think a lot of people forget how much it impacted other places as well. Pretty much the only thing up and running were the casinos.. which makes sense because it is the main attraction of the city, but we couldn't even find a decent place to eat outside of the casino. The beaches were trashy and there were fallen trees and buildings all over.. now that I've been to both New Orleans and Biloxi, if you ask me.. Biloxi needs more of that relief fund than New Orleans.

Anyway! On to the GOOD part.. Destin! It is **gorgeous** and I recommend it to anyone! The only let-down of the trip was the fact that the water was not as clear as normal because there was a bunch of either seaweed or algae floating around.. I don't know if it was our timing or just current conditions but it made it almost impossible to play in the water. Also, the jellies were pretty bad and Corey and I both ended up with stings at some point in the trip. His was a lot worse than mine, we got a picture but I don't know if it'll turn out. Oh and as for pictures.. we took some on his camera.. but it is never a good idea to let a boy handle the pictures afterwards.. I keep telling him that we need to put them online and get them developed but nothing has happened yet. Hopefully before too long I'll be able to tell you where to go see them :).

While we were there, we enjoyed awesome seafood (which I am slowly growing to like), deep sea fishing, beautiful white sand beaches, walking along the marina, snorkling (which I suck at), party cruising, and relaxing. It was much needed for Corey and a great last bash for me before starting work full time. And we came out of it still likeing each other so I call it a success! :) I miss it already...

Other than that.. I'm just still trying to adjust to my 7 to 4 schedule (with a little overtime here and there), while still being able to see my boyfriend and friends... it exausting!

I guess thats all for now...


Monday, June 23, 2008

One Sunday morning George burst into the living room and said, "Dad! Mom! I have some great news for you! I am getting married to the most beautiful girl in town. She lives a block away and her name is Susan. After dinner, George's dad took him aside, "Son, I have to talk with you." "Look at your mother, George. She and I have been married 30 years, she's a wonderful wife and mother, but, she has never offered much excitement in the bedroom, so I used to fool around with women a lot. Susan is actually your half sister, and I'm afraid you can't marry her."

George was broken-hearted. After eight months he eventually started dating girls again. A year later he came home and very proudly announced, "Dianne said yes! We're getting married in June." Again his father insisted on another private conversation and broke the sad news. "Dianne is your half sister too, George. I'm awfully sorry about this."

George was livid! He finally decided to go to his mother with the news his father had shared. "Dad has done so much harm. I guess I'm never going to get married," he complained. "Every time I fall in love, dad tells me the girl is my half sister." "Hehehe," his mother chuckled, shaking her head, "don't pay any attention to what he says. He's not really your father."

HaHA! Nice.

Okay so thats kindof a long joke so this will probably be a short blog.

We decided to go to Destin, Florida for Corey's break! I'm so excited.. he needs this bad and I know it'll be nice and relaxing for him. And I think we're going to get out of it relatively painless as far as finances go, so thats nice.

I'm getting my nails and toes done tomorrow for the wedding :). I need to start packing.

Alright, well I'm off to see the boyfriend :)


Monday, June 16, 2008

What did the bartender say to the two jumper cables when they walked into the bar?
Okay you two, don't start anything!


Not too much going on here.. and I'm not really in the blogging mood, but I felt like I should write something to let you know I'm still here. This weekend was fun, I went swimming literally ALL DAY Saturday.. from about noon to ten. Talk about being water logged.. but it was fun, I have some crazy friends. Then Sunday we went to Anderson to see my grandparents, which is always nice... lots of food and chit-chat. We gave them two lab/golden retriever mix puppies a few months ago and they're SO smart. It took me about 3 minutes to teach them how to sit and they have it down now. I want a dog :(.

I need to go shopping for some last-minute Seattle clothes since I now hear its still pretty much freezing cold up there ;). And who doesn't like an excuse for new clothes... I can't wait to go! (to Seattle that is, not shopping) I need to decide what to wear to the rehearsal dinner too.

Now Corey is really wanting to go on a vacation when he is done with school.. and if anyone deserves it, its him. For those of you who don't know, he's been working full time (sometimes even overtime) at Momentum BMW AND going through their training program, which is an extra 30-35 hours a week, so he is pretty much exhausted and burned out. I would love nothing more than to go, but goodness knows I've already done my fair share of relaxing this summer. And with no job, money is an issue of course also. He says if even if I can't go, he's going alone. ha ha! We did find what seems like an AMAZING deal... almost too good to pass up.. airfare and 4-night resort stay in Palm Beach Florida for $500. Almost seems unrealistic when the flight alone should be that much.. Does anyone know about Palm Beach? Is it nice?

I've also been thinking about getting in with one of these online job-finding websites, does anyone know if they work? Monster, career-builder.. is there one that is better than the rest?

Any help is appreciated! :)